Problems Of Being An Handsome Boy 👦

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Although, having a handsome face has its own perks,
 there are some things that you experience in life that
 make you wish you could just become ugly 🙇 .

 First of all, the life of a fine boy 👦 is a sad 😔 and lonely 😫
one. It's harder for you to find love 😍 than the average regular looking guy.
 Don't get me wrong, you'll have lots of female friends.
 But that's all they are;
 Friends .
 Fine boys 👦 are friendzoned more than any other
 human being on the face of the earth 🌎 .
You'll be sitting there single, sad 😔 and lonely 😫 with your fineboyness looking at all those ugly guys happily in
 relationships 👫 and wonder why life is so unfair.

Women 👭 generally don't take you seriously.
 No matter how romantic you try to be or how sincere
 your feelings towards them are, they always assume
 you're joking with them or trying to toy with their feelings.

You're a play boy 👦 .
Don't even try to fight 💪 it.
 All fine boys are players.
 You tell a girl 👧 you love 😍 her, she goes
 like, " Awww, how many girls 👭 have you told that
Relationships are not for you. You're better as a chop and clean mouth 👄 side booty.
 So at the end of the day you just have to give up,
 accept what you are and wear your 'player' tag with
 pride and honor. 😔

 When you finally manage to find a girlfriend that
 takes you serious, she doesn't ever seem to trust you.
 She stalks you on facebook and instagram all day. The
 moment you drop your phone 📱 , she's scrolling through
 your call 📞 log, your WhatsApp and checking your DMs.
 She's constantly looking for incriminating evidence to
 indict you with and even when she doesn't find one,
 she still accuses you of cheating and clearing your messages.
#PS: I once had a girlfriend who checked my emails .
Emails for Pete's sake! I'm not even joking right now,
 this is for real.

 You always have girlfriends you've never met or
 don't remember asking out. Sometimes, you don't even know these women.
 But nobody believes you
 have nothing with them because of being fine boy 👦 .
You're a terrible liar 😲

 People never believe you when you tell them
 you're broke 💵 .
They'll be like, "Why did you said you
 Don’t have money 💵 ?
 As handsome as you are ?"

 People often think you're gay. It's even worse if
 you're light skinned.
 Gay men always make passes at you.
 They're in your DMs every night 🌃 and day asking
 for your shirtless pics and sending you nudes.
 I mean, I have nothing against the LGBT community, but seriously guys. 😲

Older women assume you're a gigolo. This one is
 quite flattering but still, come on! You're old 👵 enough to
 be my mother 👩 .

 People always assume you don't have sense.
 You're like Kevin from Ghost Busters.
 You're this ornamental human being that's only good
 at looking good and nothing else. That's why most fine
 boys end up as models and actors.
 (No shade to models and actors, I love 😍 you all)

 If your boss happens to be a man 👨 , he'll hate you. 😔
He'll think the only thing he's paying you for is to shag all your female coworkers.

 Your neighbors are always snitching on you.
 Nothing will end your relationship faster than having
 your girlfriend interact with your neighbors. These
 people don't know the difference between 'just
 friends' and 'girlfriend'.

 Last but not least, you're constantly sexually
 harassed by females. Right from when you were a
 child 👶 . But you can't even complain or do anything
 about it because a man 👨 can never be sexually
 assaulted according to Nigerian 🇳🇬 mentality.
 So when you see girls 👭 complaining on Facebook about thirsty men sliding in their DMs you just shake your
 head and think to yourself, "Woman, you have no

