Bad news for those of us permanently attached to our cellphones (so pretty much all of us): Cuddling with your cellphone — or even sleeping with it on the nightstand next to you — could be hazardous to your health.
The California Department of Public Health
(CDPH) just issued some information and guidelines about cellphone
safety, and what it reveals is pretty frightening. Because, honestly,
who doesn’t at least have their phone on the nightstand, if not next to
or underneath their pillow?
what exactly is going on here? Well, cellphones emit radio frequency
(RF) energy when they send and receive information from surrounding cell
towers, and that RF may or may not be dangerous. Why the ambiguity?
Well, since cellphones haven’t been around long enough, it’s difficult
to determine the long-term repercussions of their use. As the CDPH
explains, their danger is “still evolving.”
However, according to the guidelines,
some studies have found that “long-term, high use of cellphones may be
linked to certain types of cancer and other health effects.”
“other health effects” include “brain cancer and tumors of the acoustic
nerve (needed for hearing and balance) and salivary glands, lower sperm
counts and inactive or less mobile sperm, headaches and effects on
learning and memory, hearing, behavior and sleep.” So, yeah —
potentially very dangerous.
though these links aren’t definitively proven yet, you may still want
to reduce your exposure to RF, just to be on the safe side. That’s why
the CDPH has issued the following recommendations:
Keep your phone away from your body:
Even just a few feet will make a big difference. Use a Bluetooth
headset as much as possible, send text messages instead of talking on
the phone, keep the phone away from you while downloading or sending
large files and carry your phone in a backpack or purse instead of a
pocket, bra or belt holster.
Avoid using your cellphone when it’s sending out high levels of RF**:**
This happens when only one or two bars of service are displayed (when
your signal is weak), you’re in a fast-moving vehicle, you’re streaming
audio or video or you’re downloading or sending large files.
Don’t sleep with your phone in your bed or near your head**:**
Unless you switch it over to airplane mode, keep it at least a few feet
away. Nope, no more sleeping with it under your pillow waiting for that
Take off the headset when you’re not on a call:
Headsets release a small amount of RF even when you aren’t using your
phone. So even though they’re better than holding the phone up to your
head, you still want to limit RF exposure as much as possible.
rely on a “radiation shield” or other products claiming to block RF
energy, electromagnetic fields or radiation from cellphones: According to the U.S. Federal Trade Commission,
any product that interferes with the phone’s signal may make it work
harder and possibly emit more RF energy in order to stay connected,
which totally defeats their purpose.
The report also mentions that kids are at a greater risk
than adults. Their brains and bodies are so much smaller and less
developed that the same amount of RF will have a greater impact on them.
Also, by the time they’re adults, they’ll have been exposed to more RF
in their lifetime than those of us who haven’t been holding a smartphone
since we were toddlers.
there isn’t much research on the impact of RF on children, the few
studies that have been done show that children or teens may suffer
“hearing loss or ringing in the ears, headaches and decreased general
well-being.” So it might be a good idea to keep cellphones away from
your kids as long as possible.
you totally freak out and trade in your iPhone for a landline (you
know, those old analog phones that people plugged into a jack?), keep in
mind that the “science is still evolving.”
more research is needed to identify short- and long-term health
implications of cellphone use, exercise caution and common sense and try
sleeping with your cellphone on the other side of the room.
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