Achieving Your Dreams and Living to a Higher Self Is Not a Mystery

It just requires upgrading yourself.

“You can accomplish tremendous things in your remaining years if you will design them before you live them.” -Zuse
Most people aren’t living their dreams.
More likely, they’re stuck in a job they (at best) don’t really like. Their relationships probably aren’t that deep or meaningful. They wake up without excitement and dread the week.
Sadly, the majority of people in this mindset will continue to live this way. They might complain about being broke and unsatisfied, but they won’t do anything meaningful to change it.
Often, these individuals claim it’s “impossible” to achieve an extraordinary life. To them, reaching goals like 100% financial independence, owning a business, or having an incredible marriage simply aren’t possible for the average individual.
They couldn’t be more wrong.

Your Life is a Product of Your Standards

“The moment you accept responsibility for EVERYTHING in your life is the moment you can change ANYTHING in your life.” -Hal Elrod
Any area of your life where you are not getting the results you want is because you haven’t raised your standards.
Achieving your dreams is a matter of discipline. What you allow will continue.
If you tolerate mediocrity, that’s what you will receive.
Becoming a higher version of yourself depends on your ability to completely refuse to tolerate mediocrity. Often, individuals must cut out certain behaviors that keep them stuck:
  • Eating crappy foods
  • Excessive caffeine and alcohol
  • Hanging out with negative, toxic people
  • Saying “yes” to irrelevant opportunities
  • Working at a job they hate
  • Overspending and under-saving
Most people have very low standards. They take whatever happens to be offered to them — jobs, friends, dating partners. But if they continue tolerating second-rate circumstances, their entire life will be defined as subpar and average.
In the words of Tony Robbins:
“If you don’t set a baseline standard for what you’ll accept in life, you’ll find it’s easy to slip into behaviors and attitudes or a quality of life that’s far below what you deserve.”
Most people won’t make the hard choices to create extremely high standards for themselves. They’re content to be overweight, unhappy, and broke.
You’ll never achieve your dreams if the power of your excuse is more powerful than the power of your goals.
“If you want lasting change, you have to give up this idea of just trying something, and you have to commit yourself to mastery. That means not just “dabbling,” but fully immersing yourself. Because your life is not controlled by what you do some of the time, but by what you do consistently.” -Tony Robbins

Every Part of Your Life Influences Every Other Part

“A man cannot do right in one department of life whilst he is occupied doing wrong in any other department.” -Gandhi
Most of an individual’s unhappiness stems from failing to act in alignment with their values.
Contrary to popular belief, you are not compartmentalized. If you are actively doing wrong in even one department of life, it affects the entire system.
Becoming a higher version of yourself requires you to act entirely aligned with your values.
This is not normal. Most people don’t act this way. For the most part, people don’t act entirely in alignment with their values. As a result, their lives become fragmented; they might experience depression, anxiety, and stress and have no idea why.
Said Darren Hardy:
“Nothing creates more stress than when our actions and behaviors aren’t congruent with our values.”
If you want to experience enormous success, the outside of you must reflect the inner you.
For me, that meant I needed to stop looking at pornography. Ever since I was a kid, I had used pornography as a crutch to get through the day. I was a star athlete in high school, a leader at my church, and a devoted son and brother. But despite all my right actions, this one wrong action soured everything.
Many people mistakenly believe they can continue doing those select behaviors they know are bad, and still achieve success.
This simply isn’t true. Achieving your dreams and becoming a higher version of yourself requires a full offering of your entire self.
This isn’t easy. For many people, these behaviors might seem to take on a life of their own once you try to change them.
C.S. Lewis once imagined our transformation like this:
“Imagine turning a tin soldier into a real little man. It would involve turning the tin into flesh. And suppose the tin soldier did not like it. He is not interested in flesh; all he sees is that the tin is being spoilt. He thinks you are killing him. He will do everything he can to prevent you. He will not be made into a man if he can help it.”
Every part of your life influences every other part.

Things Don’t Change. You Change.

“If you keep on living like the way you are now, you will continue to produce the same life you already have.” -Zuse
We must all suffer two pains: the Pain of Discipline, or the Pain of Regret.
There is no such thing as a pain-free life. We cannot choose to avoid pain forever.
But we can choose what type of pain we experience.
For most people, this is the Pain of Regret. The majority of people “live lives of quiet desperation, and go to their grave with their song still in them.” The Pain of Regret is one of the worst feelings you could ever feel.
But for some people, the pain they experience is the Pain of Discipline. This is the uncomfortable, yet extremely rewarding pain of doing that which you know you must do.
“The more important a call or action is to our soul’s evolution, the more Resistance we will feel towards pursuing it.” -Steven Pressfield
If you want your life to change, then you need to change.
Your life’s circumstances will only change for the better once you decide to design your life differently. Remember, your life is a product of your standards; what you tolerate is what you get.
Achieving your dreams and becoming a better version of yourself isn’t a mystery. This reality may be only a few lifestyle tweaks away.

How Do You Evolve? Quietly, Doggedly, Simply.

“Getting ahead is based on manageable tweaks, not tectonic shifts.” -Neil Patel, Hustle
Many people wrongly assume becoming a better version of themselves requires an instant, total lifestyle change. They know they can’t do it, so they never change anything.
But personal evolution always happens through small, manageable tweaks. As you introduce new shocks to the system, the system needs to time to adjust.
Like a tiny water balloon, you’d be amazed at just how much your mindset can grow and expand.
Continuous personal evolution rarely looks like the stereotypical “total conversion” stories you hear about. It’s often a quiet, simple process of dogged determination.
One day at a time. One step at a time.
Recovering alcoholics in A.A. have often claimed they could never have gotten sober without thinking about their recovery as “one day at a time.” Going cold turkey forever seems impossible. But not drinking for the next 12 hours? “I think I can do that,” they say.
Personal evolution isn’t a secret. It’s not a scientific formula reserved for rich, wealthy individuals.
All it requires is small shifts, every day.
“Consistency is the most fundamental virtue to becoming the person you want to be.” -Benjamin Hardy
The goal isn’t perfection. The goal is progress. Jim Rohn once said, “You can’t change your destination overnight. But you can change your direction overnight.”
If you want to experience enormous personal evolution and become a higher self, just focus on today.
  • How can you improve just 1%?
  • What’s one thing you can start doing?
  • What’s one thing you can stop doing?

In Conclusion

“Anything of significance is going to be hard.” -Jim Rohn
Everything is hard before it’s easy.
But achieving your dreams and living to a higher self is not a mystery.
Your life is a product of your standards. What you allow, continues. If achieving your goals isn’t a priority, it won’t happen.
Every part of your life influences every other part. If you consistently act wrongly and contrary to your values, even just a little bit, the whole system will suffer.
Things will never change if you don’t change them. Your life is the way it is because you allow it to be that way. Enormous personal growth will only happen if you decide to make it happen.
Becoming extraordinary and extremely successful isn’t a secret. Personal evolution isn’t just for rich people who can afford life coaches. You can begin evolving into a better version of yourself, today. Start with a few manageable tweaks.
If you want real change, you have to be willing to do your part. And it starts with asking yourself, honestly, who you are.
